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I look after backups using Commvault.  While it isn’t my favourite backup product, it gets the job done, and does a pretty good job of it too.  One big downside for me is the lack of a Linux console.  Yes the GUI console application is a Java application packaged in a jar file, but unfortunately it is very Windows specific, to the point where it just doesn’t seem to work on Linux.

I have tried used JDK7 and JDK6 from Oracle, as well as OpenJDK7, and they all have the same result, you get the login screen, and not much after that, with a large stack trace on the command line, which I am not able to make much sense of (e.g. NullPointerException).

Solution: run java in wine.

Download JDK6 from Oracle. (I didn’t use 7 as it wasn’t on the list at winehq)

Grab a copy of the ‘GUI’ directory from a Commcell install on Windows.

Now install and setup wine, and a wrapper script:

unzip commcell_gui.zip
sudo apt-get install wine msttcorefonts
wine jdk-6u37-windows-i586.exe
cp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/* ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts
cat < ~/bin/cv

cd ~/CommCell/GUI
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Java/jre6/bin/java.exe -jar cv.jar
chmod +x ~/bin/cv
