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Over the Christmas break, as I pretty much do every Christmas holiday period, I upgrade my MythTV set-up.  I pretty much stick to Debian for the OS and pull the MythTV packages from Debian Multimedia.  Once upon a time I used to build MythTV from source and make my own packages, but I am getting lazy and time is becoming precious for me in other ways.

So this time I decided to upgrade Debian testing (Wheezy) as it seems to be pretty stable and nearing completion, so that I could install 0.26 packages.

For the most part this went pretty smoothly.   One thing I haven’t found a fix or bug for is the following error from munin apt_all:

E: The value 'stable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources
E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources

I did have another error with apt_all in munin, but it was reported in the following bug 687495 and a suggested fix was available, which worked well.

I fixed this particular error, by just changing the array in apt_all to only have testing in it like so:

--- /tmp/apt_all 2013-01-07 21:23:08.061318885 +1100
+++ /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all 2013-01-07 21:01:46.903731247 +1100
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
my $statefile = "$Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_PLUGSTATE/plugin-apt.state";

-my @releases = (“stable”, “testing”,”unstable”);
+#my @releases = (“stable”, “testing”,”unstable”);
+my @releases = (“testing”);

sub print_state() {

This removes the continual error I get, but I am not entirely sure this is the correct solution and something more sinister is happening with apt.

Time will tell I guess.