April 5, 2021

WAF insights with QuickSight

Following on from my last post using Athena to query WAF logs, I decided to take this a big further and look at what I can do with QuickSight to get some insights. Directly quoted from the Amazon QuickSight home page: Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. QuickSight lets you easily create and publish interactive BI dashboards that include Machine Learning-powered insights. Read more

March 23, 2021

Query WAF logs with Athena

I’ve been using AWS WAF a bit recently and I needed a way to query the logs that are shipped to S3. Athena is the logical solution to this. There is great documentation to get you started with querying WAF logs via Athena and also how to setup WAF logging. My specific requirement required me to start off with the WAF in COUNT mode. While WAF has an excellent facility to to see samples, they only last for 3 hours so I needed the ability to get the logs. Read more

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