February 27, 2021

Performance & Price Comparison

A few weeks back I set a goal of trying to find out which processor was the most performant. I created a repeatable approach to delivering a simple WordPress environment that we could manipulate the type of CPU and we had a way to measure the performance of the instances. Now we need to add pricing into the equation and do some comparisons. Calculations While the distributed testing tool does give us a nice UI to interface with and review results, to gather results from several tests would’ve been a little cumbersome. Thankfully it is stored in DynamoDB and with a little bit of python I could extract the data into CSV output. Read more

February 17, 2021

Distributed Load Testing on AWS

Following on from the first installment of our experiment to try and find which processor in the EC2 family of instances has the best price/performance we need to look out how we’ll determine performance. Cloudformation AWS fortunately has a really cool blueprint for load testing. It is really easy to deploy via CloudFormation, and you really only need to supply two parameters: Administrator Name Administrator Email You can leave all the other parameters with theit default settings. Read more

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